
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Almost done...WHAT???

Oops...guess I sort of forgot my blogging address or something...or maybe it was the pregnancy hormones? Actually Nathan was so caught up in my not telling anyone I was pregnant til like the 2nd trimester, I just sort of forgot about this whole I'm here now that I remembered it and found it again....and I'm ALMOST a end is in sight. I feel as though this baby is going to stay in a while and cook some more though...but who knows...he could decide to surprise us tonight too. Whatever happens I hope that it all goes well. I am currently at 39 weeks and 3 days in this pregnancy and the ONLY problem I have really had to date is the very mild case of nausea at the beginning (week 6 and 12) and then somewhere around week 30 I started having reflux and indigestion, but it wasn't too bad. I told the doctor about it and she said she could prescribe something, but you know me...I HATE taking medicine so I opted just to live with it. I can't believe I am almost at the end with this pregnancy and I will soon join the several million billion trillion other people we can call mothers in the world. I just would like to say I really appreciate and LOVE my mother with all my heart! She means the world to me (now--though when I was younger I'm sure she was the best too--just in different ways!). I am also thankful for the other young mothers I have come in contact through my church and it seems as though now that I am staring motherhood straight in the face and it is impending upon me, I am ready with open arms to accept the most wonderful gift God is about to give me...(though I am a little scared to take on such a HUGE responsibility too).