
Saturday, December 31, 2011

December 30, 2011

I'm thankful today for GREAT and when I say GREAT I mean GREAT!!! doctors. Today I went to my regular OB appointment hoping that my doctor would just take a peek to see if she could determine gender since we didn't get a clear picture because baby wasn't cooperating...we didn't quite get that, we got even better! I started talking with my doctor about the scan the day before and how it went fine but we couldn't determine gender and then we got off talking about how I felt this other doctor wasn't really giving me her expert medical advice on what I should be doing in this pregnancy. My doctor not only said she didn't like that and stop, she started looking to refer me out, even out of the Spectrum Health unit because she was so upset at the care and lack of follow ups. Then, I got a call in the afternoon about an appointment for an we have a gender, but I won't share til tomorrow...sorry. We're VERY busy getting prepared for our gender reveal party with family and I can't wait to post on how that all goes...I'll probably write something about that first later tonight OR tomorrow morning and then post about the baby's gender in cyber world. For now, I've got food labels to make.

and here's a pic that we got from the first scan on Thursday...I'm already in love!

1 comment:

Marc and Gretchen said...

It's almost midnight...waiting for a gender post! :)