
Sunday, December 4, 2011

December 4, 2011

Today, I'm thankful for rest. A day set aside to rest from our daily schedules, a day to rest and catch up, a day to worship. Sunday is the PERFECT day and I did indeed rest today. I absolutely LOVE worshiping with my church family and resting from my daily teaching. Teaching is definitely trying this year and Sundays worship at church rejuvenates me to get through another week of teaching. Sundays hype me up for the week. I wish I could relax and worship mid-week with my church family, but hopefully after the first of the year I will be able to at least do a little of this by joining the women's Bible study. I've got that to look forward to in the new year...and not to mention this little one still growing strong in my belly! Praise the LORD!

1 comment:

Marc and Gretchen said...

Can't wait for you to join the bible study, too! What an amazing support and community at our church, huh? :)