
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Thankful for July 9

Today I'm thankful for sweet conversations with my 4 year old that led to talking about God, Jesus, Adam, Eve, the Garden, Satan the snake, and eventually PRAYER!!!  Wow, I think I'm FINALLY getting through to my 4 year old...I mean, he knows we pray before we eat dinner, he knows we pray in church, but today's conversation led to him deciding that he needed to pray to God to help him be a good listener. 

Sometimes I need that reminder too...that I'm not always a good listener.  Right now, I'm trying ever so hard to listen to where God wants me to go with my life and quite honestly, I don't feel him speaking in some areas, but I can see he's getting ready to do something with my life based on my past and based on things my 4 year old and I talk about on the way in to Muskegon.  Hopefully this little car ride stuck with my son and he continues to pray to God whenever he needs someone to listen to him, or when he just needs to talk to God. 

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