
Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Well, it is now the 3rd of Feb...and little baby Studer is still INSIDE my belly...I said I would wait patiently until today and then I'd get anxious...but I think the anxiousness has already begun. I have my parents and Nate's parents calling every day, sometimes even twice! and that gets a bit frustrating to keep telling them nope, no news yet. Nothing is happening...well, yesterday and today were my determination days to get this little baby moving...I went to the gym as usual at 5:30 yesterday (the 2nd) and walked for an hour...nothing. Then, just before Nate came home yesterday from work I started getting some contractions. I had a mild backache all day long (probably from all the walking) and then the contractions just started...but they were the false labor ones because they were NOT consistent at all, and so not that I said to Nate, let's make a trip to the mall...I need another nursing bra and then we can just spend some time together "walking". Nate was not so excited about this, but he agreed to it and ended up getting some muscle milk in the deal for dirt cheap from GNC! anyways, I got home and the contractions started again, but they were STILL not very regular and weren't that painful. I drank almost a full nalgene water bottle of water to see if that would help ease a little of the discomfort (more like period cramps to me) and it did, so I figured it was just the BH contractions again. I ended up going to bed and still had the same tightening of my belly and crampiness which was NOT changing or becoming consistent whatsoever. Nate told me I should have gotten up and started timing them, but I opted to just stay in bed figuring if they really WERE contractions, they'd pick up and I wouldn't be able to sleep. Well, I guess they went away or I just ignored them and I made it through the night...and then this morning, I almost wanted to cry because Nate had to go to school, but I stopped myself. I reminded myself that this was GOD's gift to Nate and I and I shouldn't be so set on a date for his arrival! It has already been determined long ago...but still, it was kind of sad to see Nate walk out the door to head to Lansing for school. What if I went into labor or my water broke? Well, because I still really WANT this baby to come today, I ended up leaving just after Nate to head to the gym. I ended up walking for an hour and a half and then went to Meijers to pick up a few last groceries and some stamps. I have pretty much everything else in my house done, except for vacuuming. I thought maybe this baby would stay put inside my belly for a while longer, but just as I got home from Meijers, I had to go to the bathroom. I went and lo and behold, there was a little extra stuff on the toilet paper and I have been having period crampiness again since...maybe this little one still will come today...and if not, I'll live and so will Nate. I'll also just keep reminding myself that this little one will come when it is time and not to get panicky about it. I go in Friday for another checkup, NST, and ultrasound...maybe the doc will say something is up then...who knows! I'm just excited that there are only a MAX of 2 weeks left for this baby to arrive! YEAH...I'll be a mother in no time...and then comes the fun job of parenting! oohhh scary! But I am so ready to tackle that one with Nate and my parents, and his parents, and everyone else that will be involved in my child's life! I can't wait!!!!!


Kelly said...

Yay! I found your blog - and things are happening! Double "Yay"! He'll be here any day now. :)

Marc and Gretchen said...

Yay for Kelly finding your blog, cause now I found it too! I've been praying for you all day today Erin. Can't wait to hear your news, and so glad that you've resurrected the blog! :)