
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day...and that it WAS! A couple times Nate asked me what was wrong, but I honestly had a PERFECT Mother's Day and wasn't down and depressed like I could have been. I don't have much time for a post tonight, but I just wanted to let you all know about what a GREAT day I had even in the midst of grief!

First, I got to go to church and again see God's power and I got to not only praise HIM, but afterwards I got to share again how God WILL use this and he WILL bless me! After church Nate made an EXCELLENT pork roast which he had been marinating ALL week long in some red wine...I didn't think I'd like it too much, but it was pretty good and the meat was quite tender! After that, I got to play outside with Kyler in shorts and a t-shirt! (What amazing weather...I usually don't wear t-shirts and shorts til at least July!) I also got to lay down and take a nap with Kyler, until he decided that enough was enough and didn't want to sleep, so Nate and I took him on another bike ride. It was relaxing, but HARD work...I think I need to get back into going to the gym again...or at least trying to ride my bike more! We stopped at the park and let Kyler play for a little bit, then came home, had dinner and gave Kyler a bath and put him to bed. And lest I forget, Nathan is the BEST husband a girl could ask for! For mother's day this year (which I opened my gift early on accident) he planned a week long trip to Florida! I'm pretty excited and I think it will be pretty fun. He said we may have to use it as mother's day/father's day and anniversary gifts, but I'm going to convince him to take me to Cedar Point on our anniversary (and leave Kyler with the grandparents) since we haven't been able to go since before Kyler...I sort of got pregnant right before we had a trip planned for our 3rd anniversary and I haven't been able to go since! This year we WILL be able to go, if nothing else for just a day and be able to spend some time on thrill rides and roller coasters just the two of us! I can't wait!

Alright, well that's about it...I'll write more about my faith and what I believe and feel right now maybe tomorrow. For now, I gotta go fold laundry and watch my weekly tv show...Desperate Housewives! Again thank-you everyone for the prayers!

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