
Friday, December 23, 2011

December 23, 2011

Today I'm thankful for our Savior and family traditions! We started our celebrations with Kyler today (a little early so we can go spend some time with family). We first made a Jesus cake...and Kyler actually helped. He put green food coloring in one of the cakes to make it a green cake, so we made a 2 layer cake 1 green layer and 1 white. He then helped me frost the cake when it had cooled and then we got to decorate it. We put a big J in the middle for Jesus and then Kyler sat and shook all the sprinkles on the cake that he could...and the ones that didn't manage to stick to the frosting, Kyler licked up! ha! After our cake making we sang happy birthday to Jesus and then we had a piece of the cake we made. It was REALLY sweet! After eating cake we went and opened 1 present each (pajamas from Santa!). Kyler was REALLY into "bad guys" and superheros this year so we went with a super hero theme for our pajamas. Kyler got Batman pjs, Nate got Superman, and I got Wonder Woman. We took a couple pictures in our new pjs and then it was story time. We took out Kyler's children's Bible and we read the story of Jesus birth. Kyler was actually quite calm after a couple reminders to listen to the story. After the story, we took and put Kyler to bed and Nate and I just relaxed and figured out what we would need in the morning for our big family breakfast/present opening. I hope Kyler enjoyed the start of our family traditions...although I'm pretty sure he did!

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