
Sunday, February 24, 2013

What a Sunday!

Well, let me just start by saying I need to use this blog as more of a documentation...looks like I haven't been doing a very good job at it, but oh well...we'll keep on trying.

Yesterday Nate and I were home for the weekend with not much else planned but for me to work yet again on my Master's paper...I'm almost done...I think!  Anyways, Nate asked since Kyler had his money jar FULL of money from his birthday and Christmas and other odds and ends if he wanted to use his money to go and buy something from the store that he's said he has wanted for some time now...a Batcave!  Of course Kyler was all for it so after both the kids got up from their naps and I finished working on a section of my paper, we headed to Meijers, but not before setting aside some of the money for the bank and some for our church.

Kyler got his Batcave, he LOVED it and made sure he sat it RIGHT next to his bed so Lena couldn't get it (as if she was going to wake up in the middle of the night, crawl out of her crib and "get it" ha!).  Anyways, the story doesn't stop there.  This morning, after everyone got a good night's sleep, we woke up and got ready for church.  Kyler made sure he tucked his dollars in his pocket to take to church to put in the collection.

We got to church and sat in the balcony.  Kyler walked downstairs to the front of church for the Praise & Play blessing all by himself.  Just before the kids left the sanctuary and before the prayer, Kyler handed his dollars to Pastor Steve and walked off without another word.  Pastor Steve chuckled a little and said he'd just leave the money in the front for the offering because he wasn't sure where it was supposed to go either.  Nathan returned to the balcony and he and I both could not contain our laughter.  I made sure to take a notecard from the pew and write down the event to put in Kyler's scrapbook for later as well.

The story is STILL not done however.  As we were walking out of church to head to our car, Pastor Doug stopped me and asked me if Kyler had used the word smokin' alot at home.  I looked at him a little puzzled and responded, no, why?  He proceeded to tell me that Kyler had said the term a few times over to explain the color of his hands after singing/clapping.  I again, could not contain my laughter.  Oh how wonderful to be a child, and Thank-you LORD for the blessing you have given me in Kyler.  I needed that little bit of laughter today!

Oh, and quick update on Lena...knock on wood of course! but I think we have her figured out.  She's been waking up several times (like 3-4 times) for the past little while now, and tylenol wasn't helping her.  We brought her in for her 9 month appointment last week and Dr. R said we could feed her MORE food.  I of course thought we were giving her enough with 3 things of Gerber a day (plus her nursing/milk of course) however was shocked to hear Dr. R say we could give her double...DOUBLE what we were giving her plus the milk she was still getting from me! WOW.  We've been doing that now for the last week and she sleeps 8.5-9ish hours at night.  This morning (Sunday) she woke up at 5, nursed, and went right back to sleep for another 2 hours!  I'm hoping that now that she has 4 teeth in too that she continues to sleep well like this at night.  It would be a blessing on it's own! 

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