
Monday, March 9, 2009

Kyler is 1 month old...where did time go?

Well, Kyler made it to 1 month...and he's doing pretty well other than the cold he's still trying to get over...I took a few pictures of him wearing a new outfit...enjoy.

Kyler looks just like his daddy did when he was little (despite what Nathan says!)...and he even acts like him too! Kyler has decided he doesn't like to take naps. He wants to stay awake and watch EVERYTHING! This afternoon he woke up around noon to eat. I fed him and then like usual I went to put him down so I could get myself something to eat, and he would NOT fall I took him in the kitchen in his bouncy seat while I got my lunch. He fussed and did NOT want to be sitting in the seat, but I left him for a few minutes while I got my lunch together. After I had my lunch made, I picked him up again and I tried to sing him to sleep as well as rock him and he just did NOT want to fall asleep. I even tried to feed him a little more thinking a little more milk would put him to sleep...but NOPE, this boy is a stubborn one. He doesn't want to miss anything I guess. I'm ok with him staying awake during the day and wanting to be held so that he can watch what's going on, but at night, I am SO tired. I guess maybe I should get into a habit of taking naps when he takes them so I can get caught up on my sleep and stock up on it for over night, but I have so much to do in the house...laundry, dishes, groceries, as well as things for school and paying bills...oh there's so much to do as a mommy...hopefully we'll get caught up with it and have it under control before I have to go back to work...luckily I will only have to work for about 6 weeks before summer vacation. I can't wait!!!


Kelly said...

Very cute pictures. I can never resist a little boy in overalls!

Marc and Gretchen said...

I remember thinking Isaac's nap time was my time to get things done around the house too, but take some naps girl! :)