
Sunday, April 19, 2009

and the Routines continue

So in my last post I was a bit frustrated...and am still a little frustrated, but things are getting better. We have successfully finished our second full week of our bedtime routine starting at 7pm with a bath, stories and singing around 7:30 and then in bed no later than 8:15 and asleep for the night. I'm still a bit frustrated about the fact that Kyler is NOT consistently taking long naps, but I've tried to keep a watchful eye as to his attitude throughout the day and he seems to be quite I've come to accept the fact that maybe he's just a catnapper...which I guess is ok, it just means less sleep for me! In the beginning (like when Kyler came home from the hospital) I was doing a lot of sleeping when he was and catching up on my even though I'm getting consistently 6 hours of good solid sleep at night (Kyler's sleeping about 8 at night now) I can't seem to feel well rested. Maybe that's because I haven't gotten into a good habit of getting myself out of bed in the mornings yet...but that will start tomorrow. Although I think it will be somewhat challenging, I think I can do it. I'm going to set my alarm tomorrow and do a trial week run for when I have to go back to school (which is coming up mighty quickly! boo!) I am pretty confident that I can get up, it's just a matter of keeping going throughout the day so that I don't just sit on the couch and fall asleep. I hope with some exercise and good meals I can make it to Friday, and still have enough energy to do my Bible study and get dinners ready this week. If I can't manage this week to make it to Friday night without napping, I don't know what I'm going to do come the following week when I have to go back to school. I feel more and more confident with Kyler's schedule as each day passes and I know things will get even more easy as the days go by, I just can't help but wonder how we'll get through it all. Once I do go back to school I know too that I only have 6 weeks of school left before summer...which I can totally's to a good week of goal setting and routine running and practice schedules. I know we'll make it.

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