
Saturday, February 6, 2010

All done...Kyler's one!!!

well, just a quick post to say whew! we made it...Kyler had his 1st birthday today and we celebrated with family and a couple close friends...I made the cake which I was determined to make from the beginning...I started searching in early Dec. for something and finally at Christmas decided I was going to make Horton the Elephant and that would be our theme along with green and blue since there wasn't much Horton stuff out there...since NO bakery I know would make anything Horton, I decided I was going to do it myself. I am here to say I DID IT!!! and it turned out so darn's the final product below! Enjoy!!! but don't think I'm a baker or try to get me to make your next child's birthday cake cause I spent ALL day making the cakes then carving them and then around 2 hours at night frosting and putting finishing touches on Horton before today's party...all in all I think Horton turned out pretty darn good, but now my back hurts and I think I need a no calls about making any cakes please!

1 comment:

GOTG said...

Happy Birthday little man! Your card is in your box at church :)