
Monday, April 5, 2010


So...last night we started getting Kyler ready for bed early because he hadn't slept very well this weekend...Nathan put him in the tub like always and I went to get my pjs on. While I was getting changed, Nathan called me into the bathroom. I said just a sec, but he said, no you need to come NOW! I was like, hmm what's going I went. Wouldn't you know it, Kyler POOPED in the tub! YUCK! Thank goodness it was a solid turd instead of something like diarhea...but still...that is the grossest thing I can think of! So, what do you do if your son or daughter decides to poop in the tub? Do you scold them? or do you just get the poop out and not worry about it? Do you have to disinfect the tub afterwards? Guess I should look into this huh?


Marc and Gretchen said...

Isaac has done this a couple times too. I get him out & he stands in the towel while I let the water drain, clean the tub with my 'green' tub cleaner and then we attempt another bath. Not fun at all! Now, before we get in the tub, I always remind him that we don't go poop in the water! Lovely phase to go through, huh? ;)

Marc and Gretchen said...

Erin - read my current blog. You are one of the people I am CONSTANTLY praying for. Hope you are doing well. Can't wait for school to be over so we can reconnect & have a playdate! :)