
Thursday, December 15, 2011

December 15, 2011

Today I'm thankful for administrative support. I often times don't speak up when I really should, only because I guess I'm afraid nothing will happen or people will look down on me for something, but today, I spoke my piece to our administrator at school. Had I NOT opened my mouth and said anything to him at all things would have just continued going down a path of disruption for my students. I can't have all these disruptions (especially with so many ADHD students!) in my classroom. Anyways, I opened my mouth with the administrator venting my frustration about a certain disruption and basically he told me he'd take care of it. I guess we will see tomorrow and after break if anything comes of it, but I feel better just getting it off my chest and letting him know that I'm there to teach, NOT to entertain other adults (especially ones who disrupt my classroom flow!).

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